Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

One Step Up

and two steps back. The president's address to "the people" last night marked yet another Bush maneuvre that shows that he's not listening to anyone outside of his own camp. Congress, his own generals on the ground in Iraq, the Iraq Study Group and a vast number of Americans don't want an escalation of troop numbers. A surge of 21,500 soldiers is exactly what he's doing. For his sake, I hope this helps quell the sectarian violence for good in that country we've destroyed but if the last six years can show us anything, it's that he can't make a good decision if his life depended on it.
What I thought most interesting was Bush giving us his best FDR. How safe to address the people in an office and not in front of our democratically elected legislative branch. Policy moves should be handled by the government, not by an audience. Smart, though, as not to get heckled or booed. And yet, I think I heard a collective American hissing when he apologized for all wrong-doings, mistakes and errors made in Iraq. I thought 'stay the course' was working. That we'd be greeted as liberators. That a mushroom cloud would prove that Saddam had WMD. That justice could be carried out fairly without sectarian violence against all Iraqis.

Good news; Bruce is writing and recording in Memphis with his old bandmates!!! He's going to tour this summer and fall, which will make attending a show extremely difficult with our new babies due. I need to go, though.

My son said "Crap!" tonight thanks to a slip-up by my wife. Oops!
