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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Good Day Sunshine

The Democrats have taken control of Congress!!! With a slim 51-49 margin in the Senate but a nice 232-202 spread in the House, Democrats have the opportunity, and liberals and progressives have the hope, for great positive change. I am not naive enough to know that FDR has not returned, nor will the 110th Congress recreate the Great Society, declaring war on society's ills. However, anything can be better than the do-nothing 109th. What I love is that the GOP is whining already. I received a hit-piece on my district's new Democratic representative, Jerry McNerney, the man who handed flat-earther Richard Pombo his pink slip. Yesterday, GOP reps complained that they were left out of the loop regarding Congress's first major legislative plans. Didn't the GOP leave the Dems out of just about everything? Considering the GOP had TWELVE years of near-monopolization of Congress and is only now complaining about not being able to get anything shows the desperation of this party. Also, listening to the pRESIDENT's agenda for the next couple of years is gut-busting. He wants:

1. The power of the line-item veto. This guy now wants the legal ability to do whatever he wants to legislation? After what he did with the NSA, rendition, Gitmo, privacy? Plus, why didn't he push for this power when the GOP was shoving bills with gazillions of earmarks through to his desk?
2. To see Congress spend less and pass balanced-budget legislation. Again, this is to force the Democrats' hands and ignore his first six years of his presidency.
3. To see a balanced budget by 2012. Again; does he care to contradict the first six years of his presidential record by now finding his inner-fiscal conservative? And, what sort of hypocrite does he seem to be when he forces his opponents to be responsible and yet will live with the stain on his record of the greatest mass deficit in history and a vice presidential quote that "deficits don't matter"?

What the 110th needs to do is simple: push Congress in the direction of remembering voters. Passing legislation that helps not just the rich and the involved. Lending a helping hand to those (i.e., working- and middle-class Americans) that the Republicans continually turn a blind eye to. Now is the time for one simple thing, something that won't happen overnight nor will be done just by Democrats or Congress or our current government: change.
