Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Going, Going...

What was 2006 for you? Overall, I think 2006 was great for my family and I. My wife got out of her business. My father was elected mayor. My son turned two and has been healthy. We made two new babies. My brother's family grew. I was able to travel during all three breaks, visiting five states. Saw some great music, made some more. Made the papers. I guess I could say that 2006 was a good one for my books.
For the nation?

Tickets go on sale tomorrow morning for Branford's five-night run at Yoshi's. Would like to take my wife for a Valentine's present and then catch one more show. Hopefully a great opportunity.

What will 2007 bring? We'll see.

Happy New Year and maybe this bring a greeting of great joy.
