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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Who Is This Clown?

Tom DeLay - what a piece of work this latter-day Joe McCarthy is. I've not seen such smug, priggish demagoguery in a very long time. Today, DeLay attacked Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy for doing two things, both, which apparently while legal, do not fit into the higher law of conservative political dickheadedness: Kennedy weighed American law against the laws of other countries in order to base relevance of American law (presumably in death sentencing cases - since the U.S. is the only western country that still kills people without calling it murder - and for conducting outside research for decisions on the Internet. Now, I know that "red staters" have always preached fundamentalism, creationism, traditional values, and a flat-earth theory to just about everything, but DeLay has a lot of gall thinking that it's his prerogative to attack members of other government branches because they carry out their jobs in ways that he doesn't like. He's doing this all in the name of either a "strict interpretationist" view of the Constitution or because he believes he's God's vessel in carrying out righteousness. Welp, since this week marks the twelfth anniversary of the Waco seige, let us remember anytime someone mixes religous fervor, a messianic sense of purpose, and an asinine view of the world. That normally brings about major disaster, often time on one own's head. DeLay is obviously acting in a way that is supposed to detract from his own inane track record, but I didn't think that "moving closer to God" (see yesterday's post) meant acting like a complete and utter asshole. I have to teach federalism and the political process when peckerwoods like Tom DeLay make the entire political system and process a complete farce. Coincidentally, I lectured on Watergate and the growing sense of cynicism among young Americans today; people in record numbers are rejecting the American system of politics and voting. Example A: Foolish grandstanding in the name of delusional self-righteous demagoguery. The last jackass I saw make this much of an idiot of himself was Alan Keyes in the Illinois run for Senator.
Can we please have some authenticity to the art of politicking? Can someone please speak for the people who actually knows what the people want?
