Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


One of my colleagues this morning stated that I rip into the GOP too much and don't give credit when credit is due. I've been stewing over this claim all day today and have wondered just why I do attack the Republican Party as I do. My response can't be contained to just tonight's response, but first and foremost, I would say that my political beliefs stem from my religious beliefs and that I see the teachings of Jesus most consistent with a government and society that seeks to eliminate poverty, illness, bigotry, class conflict and violent behavior. Utopian, and therefore unattainable, so I've been told. Every utopian society or governmental plan in history has failed, and while that is true, why should I give up my political beliefs strictly because the right model has yet to be thought of? Should I settle with the way things are, taking advantage of every opportunity to gain at others' expense? Cheating and using the system are the same thing with dissimilar impacts. Going to bed on this one, but I will return (I sound like D. MacArthur...)
