All I Know...
I learn in magazines and newspapers. The year-end Newsweek with Barack Obama on the cover teaches me (and countless millions of other readers):
Alberto Gonzalez, Bush's pick for Attorney General, is one of the criminal masterminds behind the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. The article points to Gonzalez as Bush's brain on the issue of ignoring the Geneva Conventions and helping develop the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive war with ANY nation with or without evidence of support of anti-U.S. terrorist activity. This is the man who is succeeding John Ashcroft.
Donald Rumsfeld stated (or gaffed) that the U.S. military did shoot down Flight 93 over Pennsylvania on 9/11/2001. Oops, he didn't mean what he said. Doesn't matter; cat's out of the bag. Newsweek states that he'll "retire" after the January elections in Iraq as a way to "go out on top" though it's his handling of the war that now has six out of every ten Americans opposed to it
George Bush is spending twice as much on his second inauguration as he is on the natural disaster crisis in the Indian Ocean. I'm so glad this man's a Christian; he sure is living the Christian life of serving others, giving to the needy, and not making a spectacle of himself, all while getting defensive when the U.N. calls the U.S. "stingy". Am I the only one that sees that the emperor is getting 'nakeder'?
The GOP leadership sees itself as mandated to dismantle the New Deal entirely, and Social Security will be the next program to go. However, when the talking heads at a corporate-owned conglomerate media source are saying that the president is an idiot for what he's doing, we're pretty much getting the truth with the facts. Yet, what we'll see is more smoke and mirrors about 'values politics' and why this nation needs to erase not only the New Deal but most Enlightment ideas such as republican-based democracy, the First Amendment, and communistic evil-promoting ideas such as church/state separation, the right to privacy, and education. Rick Santorum believes it's his jihad (my label) to jam values into the heart of Americans because Republicans now dominate the Senate. Last time I checked, bub, it's the same people who voted for you and Bush who are the ones who watch porn, get abortions, use birth control (something your mom should have done), swear, shoot each other, use God's name to carry out acts of violence, and challenge the policies of this government. Now, tell me, Rick, how you're going to legislate the reformation of just the people who didn't vote Republican?
Please think of, pray for, and help assist the millions of people affected by this week's natural disaster in Asia. They deserve our help and we owe it to them as fellow humans to see to it that disease does not spread as quickly, that starvation doesn't set in as quickly, and hopelessness doesn't occur as quickly as it would if the world did nothing.
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