Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Blood Brothers

Danny Federici, E Street Band keyboardist, passed away this afternoon after losing his battle with melanoma. A true loss as the band has essentially remained intact since its inception. Bruce and Danny, though, had been together since the late
60s. A sad and dear loss. I've been spinning the early tunes tonight though I feel his biggest mark was left on the Darkness and River albums.

Speaking of albums, I've hit a dry spell. I haven't purchased any music in nearly two months. Trying to be responsible and yet now I'm feeling the withdrawals. I want something new that will knock me out and yet not willing to take a risk on an artist that's going to irritate me with either too much copy-catting or not soulful enough. Suggestions welcome.

The gig for next Friday night is set. List assembled, exit routes mapped, extra strings purchased. My night of drinking will consist of espresso shots lined up across the amps. 9:30 to 1:30 is a long shot late into the night, so I will need some extra mojo to make it through. Here's to a gig where I'm not overplaying by the third set and no one touches their volume knobs after soundcheck.
