Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Reason To Believe

My mother-in-law's surgery went as good as expected. The doctor feels confident and sure. Let's hope that this simply was a "procedure". Of course, we're not out of the woods but then again, I could get hit by a car on the way to the Oakland Coliseum. A cruel irony.

Tomorrow night in Bean Town: I'm not calling anything but momentum's behind the Sox. Hopefully Beckett's hot tomorrow night.

Get to wear my Converse tomorrow for Homecoming week. I will miss Friday which will be a big disappointment. I still love the buzz of Homecoming Week. Maybe I can take my children to the rally? My oldest sure would love it. Hoping my wife may take them to the parade, if anything else.

How much would you pay to see the reunited Led Zeppelin hit colisems next summer? Try adding a zero to any number and that's probably what you'll have to in order to see them. I think I'll be passing. Caught Page and Plant a decade ago and loved it. Didn't have to give up a loved one in order to do it.

The big conundrum for hard-cores - do you want the encore to start off with the new and amazing Girls In Their Summer Clothes or Thunder Road (which the former is the modern version of)? Both are incredible for their own reasons; maybe one the first night and the other the second? :)
