Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Dreams, Realities and Nightmares

I'm previewing an old disc of The West Wing to determine which episode I'm going to show my AP students. Nostalgic or not, I'm pining for the days of yore, when good television could be intellectual and sharp and when a smart, progressive politician with a vision solved every problem in forty-six minutes and hope that all would be good the next morning.

We're not colonialists? And they aren't the Hessians.

Do you think the CIA's already in there?

Who's handing off the hot potato?


Next year, right?

Now what?

It's the qquinox; we're finally moving into my favorite season. I love autumn, with the changing of the seasonal guard, the cooling of the weather and the ability to layer my outfits. Holiday season is underway and I look at this as a time for my family, now complete, to celebrate its wholeness and change. Plus, there's something going on in my backyard on October 26th... Early rehearsals show that "Thundercrack"'s being bounced around. I'll poop if it's actually pulled off. Great song, and though while a bit long toward the end, there's more energy to this song than anything written prior to 1975.

I have just four days of school before my two-week quarter break and I'm looking forward to it immensely. Maybe read a little, take my oldest son for walks to see the oak leaves fall and celebrate my tenth anniversary. Oh, and listen to the new album sixty times a day. Along with the Fogerty and Krauss/Plant record!!!!
