Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

October Road

Ah, the tenth month brings tidings of great weather and holiday previews, while reading the newspaper brings more headaches. First, this:

Why San Francisco, which is a pretty bizarre city, rocks at least once a year. I wish I could go, but crowds are expected to be 100,000. Crazy! And to think that all of this is free!

I am currently reading Jeffrey Toobin's "The Nine", an interesting read on the Rehnquist Court of the 1990s and early 00s. More on that.

Now is not the time to review Bruce's "Magic" but I will say this; I can't NOT listen to the album at least twice daily. "Girls In Their Summer Clothes" is the coolest song I've heard in a long time. More on this as well, though I must voice my biggest complaint in that the production quality is, as the last couple of Brendan O'Brien jobs, muddied and overproduced. I'm joining the bandwagon to say that Little Steven produces the album that supposedly is due in the Spring.

And yet again. Victor Davis Hanson continues to espouse illogical arguments about politics. The more he talks, the more I question sending anyone I know and love to Stanford (I know that's just as illogical, but off-the-cuff statements are allowed to be; not Op-ed articles). Hanson wants to equate Columbia University and certain populations of Stanford in the same "lunatic" fringe:

"This week, Columbia University allowed Iran's loony President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to be a lecturer on its campus.

by his very presence on an Ivy League stage, Ahmadinejad showed the world that a top American university considers his odious views worth showcasing."

Sorry, Vic, but last time I checked, everyone here in this country has the right to his or her own opinion, regardless of how educated or stupid it is. Meanwhile, what are Hanson's thoughts about Bush and Cheney's lies regarding Iraq? One nation's war criminal...

"Take what happened this month at the University of California, Davis. Under pressure from campus feminists, the university withdrew an invitation to former Harvard University President Larry Summers to speak at a board of regents dinner."

Now Hanson derides people speaking their minds who oppose the presence of someone they find offensive. Of course, I can't fall into the trap of equating Larry Summers with the president of a terrorist nation but we also can't equate Larry Summers with the president of a terrorist nation. Shouldn't Mahmoud Ahmadinejad be able to address the world community since it is a lack of dialogue that has ratcheted tensions to a boiling point? If he wishes to engage the United States in either a war of words or peace talks, only diplomacy will allow for the two nations to establish future relations. If (or when) war occurs with Iran, Ahmadinejad's Columbia address will be looked upon as justification by the U.S. to fight. "Who comes to a nation and insults it while expecting peace to come about?" is something we should ask instead of why a college allows someone whom we disagree speak his mind.

Then, the real kicker: "Over at Stanford University's Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, where I work, the recent decision to invite former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to serve on one of its task forces on ideology and terror as a distinguished visiting fellow caused furor on campus." Hanson, who goes on to describe Rumsfeld's career and attack those who petitioned Rumsfeld's appointment at the university. Hanson fails to see a single, hour-long (at most) speaking engagement and a full-time, salaried position. Rumsfeld wasn't invited to speak at a graduation ceremony, he was hired to serve on a task force. To create and influence policy. To make decisions for the future of the nation. The fact that he took this nation as prepared into Iraq as the Russians into World War I will be his legacy. That portions of student tuition may go into paying the man's salary should be considered if thousands protest the university's hire. One action was open to the court of world public opinion; a second would simply disappear into a morass of secrecy and backroom boilerplate. I could attack Hanson's line of logic but this thread is getting repetitive enough.

Larry Craig's not quitting and apparently not innocent, either.

Senator from New Mexico, Pete Dominici, is retiring.

Barack for the Supreme Court?

Hillary Clinton was in Lafayette, California, stroking big donors for lots of money. She happened to do so at a private residence on my mother-in-law's street! She called to say that a nice man from the secret service was there to case her property and make sure everything was okay. Too funny! I'm still out as to whom I support. I should probably first register as a Democrat, right?

Did I mention that "Magic" rocks? "Long Walk Home" is another killer tune. Can't wait for the show. Pit chances look pretty good but I'm not holding my breath.

