Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Definition of Insanity

Repeating the same actions expecting different results, right? Maybe I'm insane. I've put up with a lot of garbage in my near-decade long career as a teacher. Every instance I wonder, "what got me here?" and "what have I done to deserve this?" Every time I've been vindicated by my administrators. And every time after, I guess I set myself up for the next hit. As of Friday afternoon, I have a parent who will be hiring a lawyer for action against me and the school based on the poor performance of her son. I will spare all the details (for the thousands of you readers out there) but here I am again, being lined up to be shot, for doing what I love the most and what I feel is the best for the students assigned to me.
I've had a hell of a last three years. In all honesty, if I could find a profession that would pay enough to keep my wife and the family home, even if it meant chewing up most of my vacation, I'd take it in a heartbeat. I'm so tired of pouring my heart and soul into a job that has become tedious and unrewarding. For every uberstudent (an unnamed former student and babysitter extraordinaire now Gaucho), I have to put up with dozens more and get abused by a select few every year. Do I hate my job? Not yet. Am I sick of the crap that I put up with? Definitely. Should I have to tolerate this abuse? Never.

I would love to hear what others have to say: I've assigned my rock and roll history students a project, which is to nominate a band from the last twenty-five years to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The students must present a brief biography and give a defense as to why their choice should be inducted. I've got a list brewing in my head myself, as I told them that I would also participate in the assignment. For those of you out there that do read this? Who should I (i.e., who would you) nominate? I'll take a couple of comments and then make known who I've been thinking about and who I'll decide on. This one's a good one. I'll also post the list of bands my students will vote upon.

Too tired to post about politics.

Don't know anything new about music to post, except that I do have a copy of Bruce's Concord show from June. Chris, your copy's coming. Any other takers? It's a doozy of a show.

Saw the twins on Thursday and they're looking good. Midichlorian count remains high. Find out the sexes next month.
