Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Two More Weeks

Things on the homefront look good here. The race is hot and heavy with a little salacious gossip, insider knowledge of goodies and a big fat question mark about the pulse of the general voting population. I'm cautiously optimistic but also anxious enough to wonder if he'll pull it off. We'll just have to wait and see in two weeks. No great news to share with anyone who reads this that they'll understand. I'm proud of my old man and think he'll make a great mayor for our city.

Last Thursday, my wife and I received the shocking news we never expected to hear: we're having twins. That explains the extreme sickness. My life is going to change in so many ways I have no idea how nor where to start. Yes, I'm terrified but I'm also excited. I feel blessed but it didn't take twins or even a second pregnancy to create that feeling. Now, let's just see if I can stash more away for college tuition and figure out what to do with the bedroom for the two of them.

Cautiously optimistic is the same feeling I have regarding the midterm elections. Will the Democrats take control of one or both houses of Congress? What October/November surprise will pop up with Rove or the GOP trying to desperately accuse their opponents of now? I pray for a Democrat sweep and the beginning of Bush's official lame-duck status. I just hope Bush will "stay the course" with the rest of his foreign and domestic policies; that will practically guarantee an impeachment trial and a Democratic sweep in two years. I can't believe we still have two more years with that imbecile.
