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Sunday, October 01, 2006

And Yet, I'm Still Wrong

How can one not read the papers, watch the news or listen to the radio and still wonder why, instead of just voting them out of office, people don't line up and execute half of Congress? We're now watching the GOP keep on its game face in light of a sex scandal that involved, not two grown adults, a Congressman and underage kids. Teachers lose their jobs and careers for simply being accused of this sort of behavior. Priests get transferred, members of Congress get named to committees that oversee the enforcement of Child Protection laws. To worry about the personal behavior of this person from the great state of Florida perpetuates our puritanical hangups regarding personal morality. Please, don't think I believe pedophilia is permissible; it's an abomination. What I'm worried about is the similar behavior the White House has shown regarding its foreign policy and the Middle East. To rape a foreign country using lies, blackmail and threats while spending (for just now) a HALF TRILLION dollars failing in the process is a crime not just against the United States but all of humanity. How any rational, level-headed intelligent person can view George Walker Bush as anything more than a stooge and a straw man for a Cheney-Rumsfeld-neocon putsch shows just how many millions of Americans drank more of the Kool-Aid than we know. Unfortunately, Bush has lined himself perfectly. Can we impeach him? That would only give us President Dick, who would only be given a new title.
Back to the Mark Foley scandal: The Republican Party continues to show itself as the Party of Hypocrisy. Foley can screw anyone he wants but if his targets are underaged boys, we have a series of crimes on our hands. To bury an investigation or carry out a cover-up is impeachable. Dennis Hastert and John Boehner knew for almost ten months? Others knew for several years? This is the United States Congress, not the Catholic Church. Yet more reason for my brother to look into finding that high-powered hunting rifle and that frog suit. Of course my brother will only kill the Republicans and other fakes by teaching history and upholding the values of the Constitution. I will attempt to kill those in the same way.
If you read this and care about our democracy (and live in my voting district of east Contra Costa/western San Joaquin counties), you must vote against Congressman Richard Pombo if for anything, greeting President Bush tomorrow night for a financial handout for his own re-election campaign. Anyone who wants to protect his own family's private property and real estate values while attacking those who care about the earth God gave us as "enviros" in a pejorative term shows that he represents perfectly the values of someone ensconced in the mid-20th century. However, we need people in our highest offices who have visions for the mid-21st.
