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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

A Little Town In Texas

Right now is embroiled in a conflict as a mother of a killed Iraq War soldier holds a vigil outside the ranch of President George "Let Someone Else's Kid Serve" Bush. On an aside, remember this is August, the one month the president "vacations" since he's already screwed so much up in the country. I kind of like the president being out of the White House. Notice, nothing bad totally happens, but also remember the smug prick's attitude in August of 2001 that he had deserved a vacation. Bush has spent twenty percent of his presidency on vacation. Quite an efficient and hard working president. He's fucked the country up in only eighty percent of the time it took other two termers to thrash things. We all know that Cheney's in charge anyway.
Back to the rant: Cindy Sheehan has become the spokeswoman of the antiwar movement; she's the antichrist of the right. Her words and deeds have been misquoted, slandered and outright fabricated in right-wing circles to make her look like an evil hag. Here's a woman who once (like most Americans) supported military action in Iraq who has since changed her mind since her son was killed. Unfortunately it has taken many good-hearted people to have their loved ones blown up to change their minds; if we hadn't so blindly jumped into the war in the first place, maybe nineteen hundred families would have their sons and daughters with them.
Why did Cindy Sheehan's son die? For freedom, of course. For Iraqis to be free. To be free to live in a country on the brink of civil war; free for the nation's citizens to still be without electricity or civic offices or an operating military. Freedom for Iraqis to watch the Shiite faction attempt to create a government that is so liberal that it makes most other sixteenth century constitutions look conservative; Iraqi woman are watching their freedoms jeopardized. The nation's oil fields are in jeopardy; the nation's economy is in jeopardy. But there's always freedom. Freedom for Iran and Syria to use Iraq as a testing ground for later region-wide wars. Freedom for hundreds of more American soldiers and countless, God bless them, Iraqi civilians, like the forty-five killed today by car bombs, to be butchered. Freedom for the president to sink this country into the greatest foreign policy morass since the Vietnam War, something his own father promised not to recreate when he decided to declare war on the same country. We're free here at home to watch our economy sink based on the unstable oil market and U.S. hegemony weaken in the world's most unstable region. We're free to look like the puppeteers of Israel which is also currently watching a territorial struggle and its own people rent in two over imperialist actions shrouded in messianic demagoguery. We're free to see Iran and North Korea continue their nuclear programs in defiance of the free world's threats and efforts. We're free to see the safety of our own children threatened and all for what? I don't know; let me consult the polls and the straw men the Republicans will construct in order to distract voters who so patriotically will continue to send their children to be killed all in the name of Jesus, capitalism and American hegemony (not in that order).
