Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Did Santa Just Arrive?


And here.

And if you don't believe either of these since they're not "news" sources, check here.

Karl Rove has been identified as the anonymous and illegal source outing Valerie Plame to the media as a cheap shot revenge trick against her husband, Joe Wilson, for blowing the doors off Bush's claims for going to war against Iraq. If this sticks, and it looks like it's spreading, then this could be the biggest break I feel in reigning in this straw man administration. However, this could also become the Downing Memo pt. 2 and no one will care. However, this all could just be brilliant as the Bushies are wanting to nominate a stooge to the Supreme Court. I haven't needed convincing since the mid-90s, but why trust the Bush Administration with the Supreme Court? So far, the Bushies have:

fixed memos downplaying global warming
fixed intelligence leading the nation to war against Iraq
has failed to find Osama bin Ladin
has pushed away most of the U.S.' allies by being unilateralist
illegally leaked classified information for political gain

