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Friday, July 01, 2005

Yes, Worry

After skimming through the web and listening to NPR, already the name floated as the possible successor to Sanda Day O'Connor is Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez. If the Senate accepts his nomination to the bench, then, in essence, our federal government will not only condone torture, the rejection of international law and the Geneva Conventions, but accept the idea that the federal government has the right to do whatever it wants. Remember, this is the man pushing for the Patriot Act to not only be continued but expanded - granting the federal government more power to snoop on people, seize records it may deem important, detain or render suspects without due process, strangle public schools in order for them to cough up the name of EVERY junior and senior (in order to keep military enlistments high) and dictate civil rights and liberties. Gonzalez, not only through actions taken but by innuendo and direct words, believes that Americans are not fully granted the right to privacy. If this man gets nominated, then where will the protected rights of Americans end up? This is truly terrifying. Contact your Senator or representative and visit MoveOn.org and sign its petition pushing for a sane nominee and not one of Bush's little minions such as Alberto Gonzalez.
