Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Happy Fat Tuesday!!!

Mardi Gras! The last ditch opportunity Catholics have to purge themselves of all the "bad" stuff before Lent...I'm giving up booze for the entire forty days and forty nights. For me this year it will be a stretch, but that's okay because I don't need it, I just really like it, and that's why I'm giving it up. And I'm not even Catholic. The news is in, GoDaddy.com was the biggest commercial of the Super Bowl season, but for obvious reasons! Did you see the commercial? The woman with the world's most perfect boobies bouncing around (in a supposed satire of last year's Super Bowl) drawing attention...I can imagine that the two million hits the website has received has been from people my age dying to see that girl again... ah, sexism and the perpetuation of sexual objectivity alive and kicking this football season...any red-blooded male saw the raw sexual power of the commercial, but the fact that people are still drawn to it is a bit sad. Oh well. At least we're done with men dressing up in tights and rubbing up against each other in the name of masculinity, jingoism, and heterosexual dominance...
I hope everyone's season of Lent is a peaceful and blissful season...
