Happy 30th and other things
Thirty years ago today, someone snapped the session that would produce Bruce's Born To Run album cover. Long time ago in a galaxy far, far away for music, and yet that time, like Hollywood, was one of the greatest for rock and roll. Incredible album cover for an unforgettable album. Hey, I think I'll put it on!
Today marks the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X. Whether one agreed with the man's philosophies or not, X left an indelible mark for the struggle of equality. Amazing to think that people still label and judge others based on the color of their skin.
I'm glad that the U.S. and Europe are friends again because George Bush says so. We're not attacking Iran or Syria, though we said the same about Iraq as well. I'm probably the only one, but I think someone is trying to relight the fire in the Reichstag.
off to grade papers...
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