Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Oh Yeah

Picked up Sheryl Crow's latest and the Stones' Goat Head Soup. I've listened to Crow now for ten years and think she's a great rocker. However, this is her second disc of tightly-crafted songs that sound good while on and absolutely forgotten once over. She's never been a lyricist, she's always been a producer. She knows how just to make her songs sound like Petty's, the Beatles', Joni's, Steve Miller's. On just about every album, I can "name that tune" of influence. The one on this record sounds like John Sebastian's "Welcome Back, Kotter".

The Stones - bookended by the album's weakest songs, this is the album that I love - lotsa songs that aren't famous, not well-known and often not even great. However, they're all solidly good and I'll take an album of all goods than an album with a couple of greats with a bunch of decents. I'll spin this one quite a bit, rolling my eyes at "Star Fu**er" and ignoring "Dancing With Mr. D".
