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Friday, December 16, 2005

Friday Flip-flopping

Well, John Kerry must be having his just desserts as today, the Failure (or Liar or snoop or Distruster)in Chief, realizing that most Americans don't believe that the country should promote the inhumane treatment of people (unless they're poor). The Senate handed Bush his peepers today by rejecting an extension of the USA Patriot Act and news "broke" yesterday that the NSA was given the green light by Bush in 2002 to snoop on American citizens. All of this as well as the news this week that the Pentagon has begun to spy on peace-promoting, liberal and anti-war organizations and figures. Where's J. Edgar and his dress targeting John Lennon when you need them? I can't imagine Americans feel comfortable about a president that lies, bungles and flipflops his way through "protecting" the country. "We need these measures to fight terrorism!" his supporters will cry and yet isn't it interesting just how much information the federal government knew from the mid-1990s to the 10th of September of 2001? Just about everything they needed to about al Qaeda's plan and execution of a terrorist plot involving airplanes. Last I read, I don't think that the feds were snooping through my library card or figuring out just which porn sites you look at on the web in order to screw up foiling the plot. We'll never know just how successful the Patriot Act has been in stopping terrorism as the Bush Administration refuses to share any news except for the false stuff the miltary plants in Middle Eastern media. And al Jazeera's the bad guy, right? Why we as a nation can't grasp the fact that our Executive Branch is modeling just how to fail at fascism is beyond me. Here's a president and his co-president (where does just Dick Cheney have the constitutional power to do all that he's done?) launching neocon wars, pitting religious groups against the mainstream culture, nation-building in the Middle East, expanding nuclear weapons programs, cutting ties with our historically-strongest allies, rejecting environmental treaties, publically supporting politicians that have been indicted for commiting felonies, rejecting modern science, using chemical weapons (bet you missed that one in Iraq, eh), squeezing the middle and lower classes in favor of rich people and corporate donors, gutting social programs, endorsing religio-pseudoscientific thought into academe and building up the greatest amount of year-to-year debt even far and above his mentor, Ronald Wilson Reagan, and yet he seems to be seen as the poster child for conservative, Jesus-fearing, "compassionate" politics? He's doing the worst thing for Christians in public office by not being forth-coming, by lying, killing in the name of God, committing political maneuvers in the name of God, manipulating people who claim to believe in the same God and yet continuing to proclaim his soft, compassionate heart? I don't buy into the whole man-in-the-suit-coming-to-lead-the-world-straight-to-hell-antichrist thing (because remember Ross Perot was called this as well) but isn't the Antichrist supposed to be the one who dupes everyone into following him as he totally and completely fucks everything up? I think we've found him folks, George W. Bush. W standing for Wucifuh, huh huh huh huh huh huh huh (sssssshhhhhhhhhhhh, quiet, I'm hunting Iwaqis, huh huh huh huh huh!) (cue Flight of the Valkyries). We've got a lot to be proud of, as our country truly stands for ourselves and nothing else. With a leader and his actions as such, we deserve to be hated, don't we?
