Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Random Musings

When was the last time an album slapped you across the face the first you heard it, making it ask yourself, "where have you been all my life?"? You just know that, from beginning to end, the first time, this piece of music has just helped you define a part of yourself that, until you listened to it, you knew existed but could not express it until listening to that piece of music? It happens occasionally and when it does, it's majestic. It happened tonight. The 1965 release of Herbie Hancock's Maiden Voyage, with George Coleman on ts, Tony Williams, Ron Carter and Freddie Hubbard. Hot damn, I was bopping in Borders, grading crappy tests and getting my groove on. What a phenomenal album. I can't wait to play it on a great sound system to be moved like I was tonight. If the rest of my jazz collection disappeared (God forbid!!!), Maiden Voyage would more than help ease the pain.

Other "where have you been all my life?" cds that changed my reality (in no particular order - and Steve, feel free to add yours):

Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs - Derek and the Dominos (this one is actually THE whybaml album)

Born To Run - no, really

Live at the Fillmore East - the Allman boys, especially the opening bottleneck slide to Statesboro Blues. A close second is the first song on the boys' first album. Heart stopper.

What's Going On - Marvin Gaye. Damnit, I haven't found another soul album close to this. Recommendations?

just about everything from Van Morrison's first ten years, but I can tell you the scent of dinner when I heard the first second and a half of Moondance. And It Stoned Me? I get lost every time.

I think I'm going to continue this thread tomorrow, along with a short blurb about that long lost member of the Gram Parsons - Rolling Stones lineup.
