Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Boogie With Stu

Using the the Zeppelin reference, I want to dedicate my post to my dad and his best friend, who happened to pass away twenty years ago today. The details and memories are mine. The experience of having close friends is something, however, as I truly know, that makes life worth living. No sermon here, though the idea that people live well past their years, being a metaphysical and esoteric concept, is what can truly bring about immortality. While someone moved on in what seems really a lifetime ago, he still lives on in a different sense, through memory and emotion. In that sense, he's still here. An African proverb says that there are only two kinds of people; those that are talked about and those that are not. Human beings, either present in living form or deceased, as long as their memories are remembered, as long as they are reflected upon and talked about, still live. Their spirits live on within the living, to be passed on to younger generations in order to keep them alive. Only when one is no longer talked about or remembered does one truly die. My profession, therefore, is one that sees the necessity of keeping people alive. I am the esoteric life support system, so to speak, and though that idea may sound ridiculous, here I am now, looking back at that day in 1985 and remembering the loss, the pain and the finiteness of humanity and yet remembering how much Stu meant to my family and me. And I was only twelve.
