Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

You Can Get Anything You Want

At Alice's Restauraunt! Happy Thanksgiving. What an incredible year, with much be thankful for. My wife's new business; our amazing son; my job; our home; my friends; my health; my life; trivial things like my love for music and shows; peace in my state; the failed initiative drive; Rove's undoing... now, there I go, getting political. Every day is a time to wake up, take a deep breath, and be truly amazed that I exist and live to see another day. A bit zen, I know, but the fact that the atoms that make up my body happen to exist at this time in this place in this fashion make me truly amazed and blessed that I've been created and have life. Live it while you can, right?
Off to the mountains. My folks bought a little place and we're heading back tomorrow.
