Right-Wing Two-fer?
Rumors are flying that William Rehnquist is retiring, creating sponteanous drool flooding throughout conservative circles nationwide. With O'Connor retiring last week and a possible vacancy opening, things are going to get interesting. Give it to Bush: vet Gonzales and strike a deal with the religious conservatives by holding their nose and support the "torture is good for non-Americans" Gonzales in the exchange for a far-right Bork-type jurist. Democrats and the Left need to watch this deal being brokered or else we're going to see the most conservative bench since the Taney Court. What I'm most sick and tired of is this "we need a judge who will interpret the Constitution as it was originally intended" lie. There was no "original intent" garbage that conservatives constantly push, though as the early years of this nation's existence does hold up, we can, and hell, maybe should, return to those wonderful days of yore: women not being able to vote, own property, have custody over their children or use birth control. Non-whites, HAH!!! Back of the bus, onto the plantation for you. Anyone who is anti-war, liberal, or under the age of 30 would be in deep trouble, gays would be imprisoned, blacks lynched. The only "original intent" that might be good for today's society would be the protection of private property and the promotion of business competition and applying the 14th Amendment strictly to people and not corporations (if you're not up on your history, man, we were forced to grab our ankles in the Gilded Age when it came to big business controlling government. Ah, how things repeat themselves...).