Welcome to my asylum for ideas and thoughts on movies, politics, culture, and all things Bruce Springsteen.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Am I Early Or Late?

Look at that, my muse has called me! Two posts in a night!
Am I too early or too late to post some of the best music of the year (twelve days)? As I stated last week, the Susan Tedeschi release from last year is magical; she can sing like the blues is still vital and fresh. I love the record. And, I know that she's always better live than on record, if one can imagine that.
Secondly, a friend and colleague gave me two of Ryan Adams' releases from last year as well. Cold Roses and Jacksonville City Nights, two different albums with the same intention: this young artist's love of older, better and more soulful music. Imagine the first album as Neil Young (not sloppy but Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere-era Neil) playing with the Grateful Dead a la 1972 after their return from Europe. In typical classic-style albums, it's way too long with too many similar-sounding songs and yet there aren't too many new artists that can compete with Ryan Adams. His Jacksonville album is more laid-back, reflective of his country roots that first put him on the music map. Gentle acoustic guitars, piercing steel pedal and songs of lost love, late nights and not too-lost memories. Check out all of these records. Whether they should be on the 2005 or 2006 lists, I'm not sure. Doesn't matter, anyway.
